Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Trekking -
in Northern Thailand

Over the last few years, trekking has become an integral part of the visit to Northern Thailand for thousands of tourists, along with the history & charm of Chiang Mai & its people, trekking has become a major drawer for the region.

Trekking in Northern Thailand provides its visitors with memories that will stay with them forever, it really is an unforgettable experience, I actually have a couple of friends who after trekking around Northern Thailand for a couple of weeks promptly went home, sold everything up and now live up in the mountains north of Chiang Rai, and confided to me recently that they had never been happier, it’s that good !.

Chiang Mai as the major city in the region, is also the “hub” for all the trekking orientated activities. The mountainous ranges that surround the city, offer lush un-spoilt tropical jungles & wilderness containing numerous wild plants & flowers, including hundreds of varieties of wild flowering Orchids.

The area is also home to the Hill Tribes People ,who although are officially migrants originally arriving from mainly Myanmar & China, have scraped an existence in these mountains for over 200 years. The Hill tribes people are proud of their Chinese heritage, but also of their Thai nationality,consequently in schools the children learn in Thai in the morning and Chinese in the afternoons !.

In the North of Thailand trekking adventures provide the perfect opportunity to view first-hand the traditional lifestyles of the major groups of different ethnic hill tribes including the Lisu, Karen, Long Necks, Akha,
Lahu, & Hmong hill tribes.
Many of the treks are actually built around the hill tribe villages & people all which adds up to a fantastic adventure for both the visitors & the locals.

Please Click Here for Full Article

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