Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Love Affair With Thailand !!

I started my love affair with Thai food several years before I had even visited the Kingdom of Thailand. My first experience was a very early Marks & Spencer Thai Green Chicken Curry back in the late 1980's, after which it became my "TV dinner" of choice !!.

It was also around that same time that I started regularly frequenting the local Thai restaurant, which was as you would expect a much more sophisticated affair than the ready-meal, and of course I believed that it was a true reflection of "real Thai food", how wrong I was !.

And then in 1998 I went on my first holiday to Thailand ,and was shocked at just how much better the authentic Thai food was, whether it was freshly cooked by a street vendor, roadside palm-leafed covered "shack", or at a swanky hotel restaurant the attack on my taste-buds was just incredible !!.

To read the full article please Click Here .

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